Foundation and Growth Talk

Growth in the Spirit Seminar (GSS)
Christian Love | GSS Session 2/4

Love Lasts
Real love lasts. We might think of the couple in their 100's who celebrated 82 years of marriage, a life time of faithful love. We may think of other couples among our family and friends who inspire us with the reality of love that lasts. The saints of all time have shown us the love of God and their love for God and His ways; real love lasts. Above all, we see that the love of God for the people he has created has lasted from all eternity and is still active and hopeful that we will respond to His love. His love is reaching out to every person whether they realize it or not; His love last because God is love.
What about me, does my love last? Does my love never give up on those I love? How would I rate my love for God, my love for my family and friends? Do I love the church He established? Let us pray.
Lord Jesus, flood me with your eternal, life-giving, life-transforming love, love that lasts. Flood me with your saving, healing love. Transform me by Your infinite everlasting love so that my love for You and for the people in my life will also be ever faithful. Lord, empower me with love that lasts. Amen!

Christian Love | GROWTH IN THE SPIRIT SEMINAR Session 2/4 | Talk 1 of 2

Christian Love | GROWTH IN THE SPIRIT SEMINAR Session 2/4 | Talk 2 of 2


Christian Love | Growth in the Spirit Seminar (GSS) Session 2 - A Study Journal

Love the Lord
Love the Lord, all you who His saints. The Lord preserves the faithful, but abundantly repays the one who acts haughtily. Be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord. (Psalm 21:23-24) Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. (Deuteronomy 6:4-5)
God is love; we love because God has first loved us. (see1 John 4) I love You, Lord; I receive Your love for me. I invite you to transform me into an apostle of love, an apostle of Your infinite love. Love, love others through me. Give me revelation of Your amazing, infinite, everlasting love. Lord, love me into wholeness and holiness. Amen!

Christian Love | GSS Session 2 | Part 1 of 10 | A new Christ to the World | Bro. Don Quilao

Christian Love | GSS Session 2 | Part 2 of 10 | Types of Love | Bro. Don Quilao

Christian Love | GSS Session 2 | Part 3 of 10 | Forgiving Others Is NOT An Option! let it go | Bro. Don Quilao

Christian Love | GSS Session 2 | Part 4 of 10 | Loving God in Loving others | Bro. Don Quilao

Christian Love | GSS Session 2 | Part 5 of 10 | How much did you love? | Bro. Don Quilao

Christian Love | GSS Session 2 | Part 6 of 10 | Invite God Into Your Difficulties | Bro. Don Quilao

Christian Love | GSS Session 2 | Part 7 of 10 | Starting your day right by blessing yourself | Bro. Don Quilao

Christian Love | GSS Session 2 | Part 8 of 10 | Love Jesus More Than You Love Anything | Bro. Don Quilao

Christian Love | GSS Session 2 | Part 9 of 10 | Why wish your enemies well ? | Bro. Don Quilao

Christian Love | GSS Session 2 | Part 10 of 10 | Is Jesus the Only Way? | Bro. Don Quilao