Part 1/11 - Memorable gifts
Foundation and Growth Talk
Growing in the Power of Christ
We usually put in too much energy disguising our weaknesses to gain the approval of others. Bro. Don Quilao encourages us to let the truth shine through! And his answer may surprise you. Some people call for us to look the world through rose-coloured glasses. Bro. Don illustrates what it would be like to see life instead through faith-filled glasses. As we grow with God and reading His words, His ways, it let us move on to focus which one we should steer our thoughts. Walking with God and reading His Word helps us to finally figure out His ways and think like Jesus Christ? Grinding away at a task - or a relationship - that doesn't seem to yield the desired results? He gets just the messages you desire to hear to keep working on it in this present's Video Insight.
Growing in the Power of Christ - A Study Journal
Lord, it is difficult being a Christian, being a Child of God - to not be attached to material things and to human relations - that we should live and grow only on Your provisions with no attachments that can distract us from fixing our eyes on You. Grant us the grace to live this kind of life for it will be difficult and unbearable if we do it on our own. Lord, I am not always right and not all that I say or do are right. May the virtue of humility grow in me that I will not always think too highly of myself. May I only conform to Your teachings. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen