FCCCPC Sports Fest 2017

Toronto - FCCCPC organized a Sports fest last July 28-30, 2017 at the Holy Rosary Parish grounds at St. Clair St. Toronto, Canada. It was formed to bring camaraderie among representatives of the prayer communities,. The Sports fest at the Holy Rosary Parish Church gathered around 600 children, young and old people from different ministries and mandated organizations. It brought them closer to Christ through sports.
alt text Let us thank God first for the wonderful opportunity to be involved in the 2017 FCCCPC sports fest this weekend. As we have prayed before the start and end of the games - to God be the glory!!. We thank the players for the hard work and the coaches for all teams. We do not wish to forget the behind the scene support. We got from our prayer communities and the parents of some players who without them we would all go hungry. Thank you so much for the non-stop food and drinks you brought to us. We appreciate the organizers, the officers and all the volunteers for a job done well. Spreading God's love was the theme of this wonderful occasion. Our 3 days Sports Fest was a very successful one. Praise the Lord! Alleluia!

Our Charismatic Players

Colossians 3:12-17, Because you are chosen by God (Member of the FCCCPC community)

We are the Champion

Ephesian 3:20, Can do anything - THE MESSAGE.

My dear brothers & sisters in the FCCCPC family,
Glory, honor, praise and thanks to God for His marvelous blessings to our recently concluded FCCCPC family sports fest. It was indeed a great success in spite of the very hectic schedule and limited resources! The support and cooperation of our respective member communities from the preparation of the venue, during the event and up to cleaning up were amazing. The brotherhood and the friendship among our members keep growing every year through this sports fest. The competition during the games was very tough but the love, acceptance and understanding still reign after which I believe are the highest emblems of winning; defeating our pride and glorifying God. As I already mentioned in the past, this sports fest is not only to promote the well being and brotherhood among us but also a way of workshop and test of our love, faith, humility, patience, understanding, forgiveness and acceptance of truths. I really admire the committees headed by their chair, Bro. Ed de Grano, in the way they handled with love and patience few criticisms, negative comments and other challenges before and during the event. They have manifested the genuine Christian attitude. Handling this kind of big event with very limited resources is not easy. I personally witness their hard works and sleepless night just to make this event a great one. Kudos to his group, the Joy of the Lord for the all-out support they have extended to the Committee; however, as much as they want it to be perfect, it can never be, for God is the only perfect.

FCCCPC Sports Fest 2017 - Free Shot Conference
FCCCPC Sports Fest 2017 - Three points Conference
"FCCCPC Sports Fest 2017 - Women's Volleyball Conference


FCCCPC Sports Fest 2017 - Women's Volleybal Championship
FCCCPC Sports Fest 2017 - Men's Volleyball
FCCCPC Sports Fest 2017 - Men's Volleyball Championship


FCCCPC Sports Fest 2017 - Men's Basketball
FCCCPC Sports Fest 2017 - Men's Basketball Championship
FCCCPC Sports Fest 2017 - Closing program


Also, I would like to thank all the groups who have cancelled their community activities to support and participate in this family sport fest especially those who stayed and helped for the whole event. They understand the true meaning of being a CATHOLIC (ONE, holy and apostolic) Charismatic and the importance of their handshake with the other groups. Your compassionate presence is so inspiring.
Special thanks to our Media Ministry Head, Bro. Tony Pilien, who in spite of his health condition, was able to cover and document this 3-day event. Thanks as well to those who assisted him. Having all of you as family and partners in the ministry is indeed a great blessing and inspiration to all of us in the FCCCPC Leadership.
May the good Lord continue to bless and use all of us for His greater glory and strengthen the love, peace and unity among our member communities.
The attached pictures were taken after the games. Majority have left already. More footage and pictures will be posted in our FCCCPC website.
Please forward this message to everyone in your respective communities.
To God be the glory, honor and praise!
Bro. Don